Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

News 8 June 2013

Unloading Circulation of Drugs in Prison, Police Secure Way yam 4 InmatesAdan Fuel - detikNewsLampung - Bandar Lampung Police Drug Unit back dismantle drug trafficking networks in correctional institutions (prisons) Way yam, Lampung. The police managed to arrest four inmates who actively control the sale of drugs. In addition, police also secured to a courier.Hadi prisoners were secured Afriadi (30) and Apin (28) who is a citizen of Bandar Lampung, Purna Irawan (32), a resident of West Java, and Candara Chaniago (34) Acehnese. While the courier who was arrested is Andri Kurniawan (28) resident of Bandar Lampung.Drug naked Bandar Lampung Police Commissioner Sunaryoto explained, the discovery of drugs in the prison network originated from the arrest of two people, Suherman (31) and Andri Kurniawan (28), which is being used cannabis at a house in Jalan RE Martadinata, Gang Barokah, District of West Telukbetung , Bandar Lampung, on Monday (3/6) ago."In the arrest, police confiscated methamphetamine and some marijuana package dry. Having checked Andi admitted that marijuana is a surrogate one prisoner in prison Way yam. Of information that the police investigate the case and to develop into prisons, "said Sunaryoto told AFP on Saturday (06/08/2013).Evidence secured from Andi and Suherman home, police found three small packs of shabu-shabu, a set of suction shabu-shabu, two packages of dried marijuana leaves as much as 2 kg of small and large sizes.The police then worked with the Head of Prison yam Way to catch inmates who coordinate drug trafficking. The police had managed to arrest four inmates who are related to each other. In the prison, the police managed to secure mobile phones belonging to the prisoners.According Sunaryoto, inmates ordered one prisoner to another to obtain marijuana. Inmates who have a network outside of this later book and asked to be taken to the prison. Andrew had been the intermediary to buy and deliver marijuana. "The plan, 1 kg of marijuana would be sold in the prison and the rest are sold out. Cannabis dealer ordered the wrong one, Udin, who until now have not been caught, "he said.Andrew admitted to police twice already deliver marijuana into the prison. Marijuana was put in prison by the way threw it over the wall. The couriers get paid 500 thousand each time managed to get marijuana into the prison.Sunaryoto added, which controls drug prisoners is indeed so inmates for the same case. They've been sentenced to long prison terms up to more than five years. Next they will be tried again for new cases of drug trafficking in prison.

My Opinion
Drugs are the world's problems, especially in Indonesia, which is difficult for us to destroy, persons involved in drug trafficking is a devil circle that can not terlapas of the job.
there is a leader dealer in Indonesia, we can assist the government in combating drug with knowledge of the dangers of drugs
but it also forces parties to be responsive to face drug trafficking problems are more widespread

Source : http://news.detik.com/read/2013/06/08/083128/2267722/10/bongkar-peredaran-narkoba-dalam-lapas-polisi-amankan-4-napi-way-huwi 

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